Sunday, December 24, 2023

We Beheld His Glory (Christmas, 1963)

In 1963, Anna Bøg (left) and Elise Bahnson sent this Christmas card to relatives and friends. They are in front of the home in Kings Lyngby (a suburb of Copenhagen) the two missionaries shared in retirement. The lettering of the text is in the precise script of architect Elise Bahnson.

Above the picture of the two women is a quote from the Gospel of St. John proclaiming the incarnation of Our Lord:
"The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us; we beheld his glory." [Jn. 1:14.]
Below the picture and above the names of the two women, it says, "Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year".

May our readers have the same joy and blessing.


Anonymous said...

Godt Nytår 2024

Marie-Jacqueline said...

May you have a blessed New Year too!