Friday, May 13, 2022


Today, May 13, is the birth anniversary of both Anna Bøg and Preben Jørgensen, the co-author of this site, who passed away a few years ago.

Preben Jørgensen (1923-2014) had an interesting life.  I thought his story should be commemorated here.  This is the first installment of what will be several.

To begin, I must say that although Preben lived most of his adult life in Belgium, he was a real Dane, born in Copenhagen in May when the beech tree comes into leaf.

Preben once wrote in a letter that his first birthday was celebrated with an array of beech leaves.  To quote,  "By the way do you know that the Bogatrae is a national symbol of Denmark, everybody looking forward to the Beech tree coming to leaf, always around the first of May.  My elderly cousins told me that on my one year birthday 13.5.1924 I sat in state on a high chair surrounded by beech branches."  (Letter dated April 24, 2000.)

Preben's father, Johannes Laurits Vilhelm Jørgensen (1889-1958), was born in Oster Kippinge (on the Danish island of Falster).  Oster Kippinge was an important religious pilgrimage site in medieval times and beyond because of the healing waters of a holy spring and its church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary where a Eucharistic miracle and two other miracles had occurred.  Among the religious art works in the church is a lovely 14th century fresco of Archangel Gabriel's Annunciation to Mary that she would bear the Son of God (Luke 1:35). 
Preben's father was a lawyer with the "Landsretsadvokat" (Danish high court, which is an intermediate appellate court between the lower courts and the Danish Supreme Court).  Unfortunately, Preben's father had to retire early due to various health problems. (Letter dated March 2, 1997.)

Preben's mother, Helene Brita Christensen (1890-1980) was born in Sulsted (Jutland) into a family that eventually numbered 12 children.  Preben's parents were married in Copenhagen in 1921 and Preben was born in there in Maria parish in 1923.

Three of Preben's maternal uncles emigrated to America and became important figures in Preben's life when Preben was a young man, as will be described in a later installment.

Preben's maternal aunt Emma (1894-1965) married author Niels Anesen from Horsens parish, Kinnerup (Aalborg municipality).  Anesen's published works number at least twenty two.  Anesen's granddaughter related that Anesen was "most of all a poet" as seen in his Poemets Magt.  He also wrote memoirs, novels, and historical fiction.  Anesen's most well known works were three books about his childhood and young years -- Lars Holger, staerkere end stormen; Lars Holger, ungdomsar; and Lars Holger bliver mand. (Email interview with granddaughter May 12, 2022.)

To be continued . . .

Attributions of images
Photo of beech leaf by Willow - Wikimedia Commons
Photo of Annunciation fresco from Kippinge Church by Hideko Bondesen - Wikimedia Commons

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