Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fear Not, Only Believe (1946-1951)

Shortly after Anna Bøg returned to Denmark in October, 1946, Elise Bahnson and others left for China. Elise Bahnson was to return to work with the women in Siuyen. At that time, it was anticipated that Anna Bøg would join Elise Bahnson after her furlough ended. As we explained in our last post, however, by 1948 the political situation had deteriorated to the point where Anna Bøg was not permitted to return to China.

On September 8, 1946, there had been a sending-out ceremony for Elise Bahnson and others at Trinity Church. During the service, Elise Bahnson gave a moving speech that was published in the missionary newspaper in early November:
"Today the Danish congregation and the friends of the Danish Missionary Society are gathered here for a leave-taking. We look back to fifty years ago when the work in China began in Port Arthur and Takushan.

"The Gospel was not proclaimed in vain. By his Spirit and his Word, God formed a congregation. The congregation was allowed to mature and under tribulations it became independent.

"During the troubles, in one way, and then in another, it grew to independence.

"During this wintertime, as Rev. Reichelt recently called this period of waiting in the China missions, it is good to know that even now God is preparing the work for the springtime to come.

"Our hearts are out there in the work we were called to and for almost seven years have been away from. Now it is wonderful to be permitted to return.

"Thank you to the Danish congregation, to our Board that they venture to send us out, to D.M.S.'s friends all over the country, and especially to the YWCA, whose special emissaries we are.

"Thank you to everyone I was allowed to move among during these years and from whom I received hospitality.

"The Y.M.C.A. summer and winter camps were to me a special pleasure to attend. It was an activity that most reminded me of the work in China.

"Among the young people in Jutland, I was particularly pleased to attend . . . the Children and Youth Day in Lønborg in West Jutland.

"And now, now I am permitted to return to Siuyen, the station where I worked for ten years. It is a great joy.

"When we stand inside the courtyard of the women's station, looking toward the gate, we see the words 'Pu yao p'a - yao chih hsin' - 'Fear not, only believe.' [Mark 5:36.]

"In difficult situations during the war, those words were a big help to me.

"Under the present conditions at the mission, we speak of and will be speaking of, looking at the Lord and not at the difficulties.

"In context, Jesus used it when he was on his way to see Jairus' daughter and it also speaks to us. They came to Jairus and said, 'Your daughter is dead, do not bother the Master further. But Jesus replied, 'Fear not, only believe, and she shall be saved.' Jairus did not listen to their words, but listened to the Master's words, and followed him with confidence.

"We are on the way to the Chinese Church and to the pagans with the Lord. God's Word resounds to us too: Fear not, only believe, and she shall be saved.

"To be a missionary is to be with Jesus and discover that Jesus called me from death to life, from spiritual death outside of Christ into the life of communion with Him for eternal life.

"He calls us from death to life. His voice sounds into the kingdom of the dead. We have seen people pass from death to life, and in the Lord's service we hope to be permitted to see it the way we were permitted to experience it here at home.

"Thus will we turn away from our own thoughts and anxieties to the Lord who said, 'Fear not, only believe.'

"We go out at his command with confidence in his words and promises. We rest in his faithfulness. And the testimony we have heard from those who recently came home has strengthened us in faith.

"'I am with you all days.' Elisha was with a boy on a mountain. It was surrounded by enemies. Elisha saw the Lord's army but the boy did not see them and was afraid. Elisha begged God to open the boy's eyes. And God opened his eyes. He saw chariots of fire and fiery horses ringed all around."
The missionary newspaper added the following addendum to Elise Bahnson's speech, "On the outside of the gate to the women's station [in Siuyen] is Jesus' saying, 'Repent and believe in the Gospel for Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.'" In other words, the gatepost that faces the street calls the observer to repentance while the gatepost that faces those inside the mission station admonishes them not to be afraid, to trust in God.

Elise Bahnson's speech shows a clear awareness that she would face difficulties on her return to Siuyen. A letter dated November 24, 1949, written in English from D.M.S. in Hellerup by Anna Bøg, who had recently received correspondence from Elise Bahnson, gives some idea of the magnitude of those difficulties:
"While the late roses still are blooming in the suburb gardens, because of the mild fall weather, all along the business sections …the great capital city of Copenhagen is beginning to look like Christmas, with the windows most beautifully decorated, and crowds of mothers with their children standing admiring all the pretty things. Little voices saying: 'Mother, I would like to have that!'

"My thoughts wander around the world, to the cosy Christmas in C.F. [Cedar Falls] in 1947, with loving friends and relatives, and all the warmth of the season, . . . and then way out to my Mission Station, to the people I left three years ago.

"After scarcely no news for two years, finally five letters came through. Miss B. [Elise Bahnson] tells about many of the Christians. They have all been through severe testing times: for some of them it meant death. 'So and So have been through the hardest trials, but stand steadfast in the faith.' 'She is one of the pillars.' 'She is clear in her faith.' 'He was fearful, dared not come to our services, but at our New Year meetings he was helped.' Some have need of D.M.S.’s motto: 'FEAR NOT – ONLY BELIEVE'.

"'It was so hard for Mrs. K [Kuo] when she had to leave the Mission Station, she has lived there for many years, but now she got over it.' 'The Bible Woman [Mrs. Kuo] now lives in the temple for the God of Fire, the idols are taken out. She with other Christian women was forced to leave the Mission Station, and then given quarters in the heathen temple.'

"'A group of women meet daily for prayer.' 'My little Ch’in now 6 ½ years old has started school and was a pupil in Sunday School. But the school children are not allowed to go to Sunday School.'

"Miss B. [Bahnson] also mentioned ten of the Christians, whom God has called to higher service. One of them had written a letter to me in March; she died shortly after, and seven months after her death I received her letter. She told me, 'I am praying for you and looking forward to your coming back.'

"It will be a day of great rejoicing, when I shall meet them in heaven. – We still have ten missionaries back of the Iron curtain.

"Thanks to the prolonged furlough I have regained my health and have received much spiritual benefit. I have done full time work, which means conducting mission meetings all over Denmark, at times quite strenuous, as when you have fifteen meetings in seven days, but then I have a chance to try out: 'As thy days so shall thy strength be.'

"Due to high prices and the devaluation of the Danish crown, most of the Mission Boards work under the pressure of lack of funds. May we learn better to rely on God for all things."
Bahnson, Elise; Speech at Trinity Church. September 8, 1946; Dansk Missionsblad, Vol. 113, Nr. 41, November 1, 1946; pp. 648-649. Translated by Marie-Jacqueline.
Bøg-Madsen, Anna; letter to friends; November 24, 1949.

1930's photograph of the gatepost of the women's mission station that says in Chinese, "Fear not". From Bjergaarde, Maria and Jens; "Siuyen", Dansk Missionsblad; Vol. 100, Nr. 7, February 15, 1933; p. 96.
All D.M.S. items used with permission.

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